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My scientific page

My Research Interest:

  • Robust Statistics

  • Nonlinear regression

  • Mixed Models

  • Time series

  • Matrix Algebra and Multivariate Statistics

  • Statistical Computing

My tought Courses

Course materials is avilable in My Courses Page, for students.

  • Multivariate Statistics, Master level, Department of statistics stockholm university, Autumn 2013

  • Statistical computing, Master level, Department of statistics stockholm university, Spring 2012, 2013, 2014

  • Statistics for management, Lamerd University, 2006-2012

Computer skils

  • OOP programing in R and SPLUS area

  • Matlab, statistics and matrix programing

  • web design (this website as an example), VB.

  • SQL server data base design (this website and our consulting page)

  • Databases with ACCESS, Foxpro

  • SPSS, pythone plugin programing

  • SAS, speciallized in SAS/IMLpro

  • PL/I and Fortran

Recent Reserch

Statistical Modeling of Covid 19 infected population Case Study in Fars Province and Iran Data.

In this article, we attempt to find some statistical models for covid 19 infected population in Iran and Fars. These modeling's, regardless of external parameters, include medication, changes in strategies, number of people in contact, and so on. Clearly, the hypotheses and the multiplicity of available parameters have important implications for our models. But these are just some basic modeling for development into real issues.

  • Get Presentation Slides in farsi from here

  • Get presentation video from will be available soon

  • Get access to Fars  GEOGEBRA modeling file here

  • Get access to Iran GEOGEBRA modeling file here

Statistical Consulting

Here is only a short list and example of research consulted for other areas of science.

Files will be accessible soon.

Select the research title to display.

Master Research: Truncated data
Let X, Y, be two positive random variable, the generic random variable X, is left truncated by truncation variable Y, (or X is right truncated by X), if the vector (X,Y) can only observed when X>Y

Dynamic R-Charts Here

My Courses

Advanced Statistics for ManagementAdvanced statistics for management, Science research Marvdasht, Mehr 93 Master Level
Statistics for Soil science and AgricultureAdvanced Statistics for Soil science and Agriculture, Master Level, Mehr 93, Science research center.
Statistics for Sport ScienceAdvanced level, Master, Mehr 93, Science and research fars
Time Series 2Advanced Master Level, Shiraz Payam Nour, Mehr 93
Statistics for Management 1 BachelorStatistics 1 for management. Lamerd Univ, Mehr 93
Statistics for Management 2 BachelorManagement statistics 2, Lamerd, Mehr 93
Statistics for computer, technicalComputer statistics, Lamerd Univ, Mehr 93
Statistics for Civil engenearingCivil engineering statistics, Mehr 93, Lamerd University
Simulation, Bachelor in statisticsSimulation, shiraz payam nour university, mehr 93
Calculus 2 for EngenearingMathematics 2 for engenearing, Civil engenearing, Lamerd University Mehr 93
Statistics for engineering 3 unitEngenearing Statistics 3 unit, Lamerd Mehr 93, monday 7-10 pm
Test classtest class
UPM R structured programming language, with some examples in statistical computingThis workshop tries to present R language as a Structured programming language. This gives the audiences a deeper knowledge to solve programming problems. Statistical computing is wide area that can cover all statistical topics, such as Linear models, parameter estimation, inferences, simulation, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Bootstrap, Time series, Bayesian statistics, Multilevel modeling, Mixed models, EM-Algorithms, and all other statistical problems. Discussing all topics in this short workshop is impossible but to illustrate the statistical computing problems, some numerical methods such as optimization are combined with statistical computing problems like maximum likelihood. UPM Jan 2015
449 Statistical Methods 3u Lamerd 2nd sem 93Statistical Method 3 unit, Lamerd U, Tuesday 10-1 course code 449
379 Statistics for Bachelor of Accounting Lam 2nd sem 93course code 379 Statistics for Bachelor of Accounting Lam 2nd sem 93
403 Statistics and Probability for engenearing 2nd sem 93 LamStatistics accounting, 2nd sem 93, Lamerd monday 10-13 course code 308 403
1368 Statistics for management 2, 2nd sem 93 LamStatistics for management 2, 2nd sem 93, Lamerd, course code 1368, Lamerd monday 17-20
Education BachelorStatistics for education, Bachelor, 2nd sem 93 Marvdasht university, Thursday 130:30-15:15
Advanced Statistics Education MasterAdvanced Statistics Education Master. Marvdasht U, 2nd sem 93. thursday 15:15
Education SPSS Workshop Master LevelEducation SPSS Workshop Marvdasht University, 2nd sem 93 Master Level
308 statistics engenearing electric308 statistics for electicity and civil engenearing monday 12-14 room 801
1176 computer statisticsComputer statistics
Statistics for education master 221003_216 lamerd mehr 64
Statistics coomercial 1077lamerd master mehr 94
Statistics accounting 561 lamerd mehr 94
Statics master education 371lamerd mehr 94
Statistics management 1078lamerd mehr 94
statistics for marketing 1096friday lamerd university, mehr 94
Basic statistics sport 2122introductory statistics for master of sport science mehr 94
marketing 1semester 2 94 code
Stat Management 1217Stat management 12 17
Statistics and probability technical 1060Statistics and probability technical computer 1060
Statistics education 173education bacheloer 173, bahman 94 lamerd
statistics method 2 education 351statistical methods 2 for education 2nd sem 94
Calculus 7-688Calculus, mathematics 7 lamerd 2nd sem94
Compiter workshop 355Statisrics computer workshop education, 2nd sen 94
Basic Statistics 1526Basic Statistics 1526 Master of Sport Physiology 1st sem 95 lamerd University
Advanced Statistical Inference 845Advanced Statistical Inference 845 Master of human management 1st sem 95 Lamerd University
Advanced Statistics 349Advanced Statistics 349 for Financial Management Lamerd 1st sem 95
Statistics and Probability for enginearing 1962Statistics and Probability for enginearing 1962. Bachelor 1st sem 95 lamerd university
Statistical Inference 1720Statistical Inference 1720 Master of Marketing 1st sem 95 Lamerd University
Statistical Inference 1730Statistical Inference 1730 Master of Marketing 1st sem 95 Lamerd University
Statistical Methods 1- 1081Statistical methods 1- 1081 Master of education lamerd university 1st sem 95
General Mathematics 2- 2051General mathematics 2- 2051. Bachelor 1st sem lamerd
Statistical analysis 1762Statistical analysis for buisness management, 2nd sem 1395 Lamerduniversity
Application of statistics oneducation programming 329Application of statistics in educationprograming, 2nd sem 95 lamerd univ Phd
Engenearing statistics and probability 2063Statistics and probability for engenearing 2nd sem 95 lamerd univ
Pre math 1321Pre math 1321 lamerd univ
Mathematics 2- 2052Mathematics 2 code 2052 second sem 95 lamerd univ
Statistics 2. 378Statistics 2 for education 378 second sem lamerd univ
Management statistics 255Management statistics 255 second semester 95 lamerd univ Masterlevel
Pre math 642Pre math 642 second sem 95 lamerd univ
Statistics 1-385Statistics 1, master level, code 385, lamerd university, second sem 95. for education students
Statistics and probability 1411Statistics and probability for computer science, lamerd univ 1st sem 96-97
Statistical Inference 1559Statistical Inference Master Level, 1559, 1st sem 96-97
Statistics Accounting 820Statistics for Master of accounting, 1st sem 96-97 Lamerd university
Sport Pysiology Statistics 1483Sport Pysiology Statistics 1483 1st sem 96-97 Lamerd university
Statistics education management 2404Statistics for education management 2404 Master Level, 1st sem 96-97 Lamerd University
Pre Mathematics 637Pre mathematics 637 1st sem 96-97 Lamerd University
Engenearing statistics 1649enginearing statistics 1649 1st sem 96-97 lmerd univ
statistical methods for eduction 251statistical methods for eduction 251 1st sem 96-97 lamerd university
Pre mathematics 654Pre mathematics 654 1st sem 96-97 lamerd university
Engenearing statistics and probability 1763Enginearing statistics 1763 1st sem 96-97 lamerd university
Enginearing software workshop 1384Software workshop for enginearing 2nd sem 1396 lamerd univ
Pre math 1345Pre math 1345 2nd sem 96 lamerd univ
Statistics and probability 1215Statistics and probbaility for technology 2d sem 96 lamerd university
spss workshop 310Computer workshop in management 310 2nd sem 96 lamerd university
Pre mathematics 961Pre mathematics 961 2nd sem 1396 lamerd university
Pre mathematics 1780Pre mathematics 1780 sec sem 96 lamerd university
Pre mathematics 1726Pre mathematics 1726 2nd sem 96 lamerd univerity
Statistics education 2-423Statistical methods 2 for education 423 2nd sem 1396 Lamerd university
ُStatistics for Curriculum planing 404ُStatistics for Curriculum planing 404 Ph.D level lamerd university 2nd sem 96
SPSS workshop 424SPSS workshop 424 2nd sem 96 Lamerd university
Probability 1951Probability 2. 1951 second sem 97 lamerd univ
Pre Mathematics 2651Pre mathematics 2651, 1st sem 97 lamerd university
Pre mathematics 251Pre mathematic 251 , 1st sem 97 lamerd university
Statistical application 1603Statistical application for management of education 1st sem lamerd univ 97
Statistics-1- 1554Applied statistics 1 for management 1554 1st sem 97 lamerd university
Pre math 2803Pre mathematics 2803 1st sem 97 lamerd university
Statistical methods in education 69Statistical methods in education 69. 1st sem 97 Lamerd university
General Mathematics 2001General mathematics 1 Lemerd University, Bahman 97 semester. Technician of computer, petrochemical, architecture
Applied mathematics 2002Applied mathematics 2002 lamerd university bahman 97. chemical, computer and eclectricity
Pre math 756Pre mathematics for enginearing 756, bahman 97 lamerd university, Iran
Applied statistics in industry safity 1312Applied statistics in industry safity 1312. Lamerd univ, bahman 97
Pre math 1471Pre mathematics 1471, Bahman 97, lamerd university
Applied statistics in curriculum development 25Applied statistics in curriculum development 25 Ph.D Level Lamerd university bahman 97
Mathematics 1 accounting 666Mathematics 1 for accounting 666 Lamerd university bahman 97
Statistical methods in education 1264Statistical methods in education 1264, bachelore. Bahman 97 Lamerd university
Statistics 1048Statistics for electricity, 2nd sem 97 lamerd univ. 1048
Mathematics 6_1314Mathhematic 6- 1314, 1st sem 98- Lamerd University
Pre Math 1663Pre mathematics 1663, 1st sem 98 Lamerd university
Pre ,athematics 1313Pre mathematics 1313 first sem 98 lamerd university
Statistics and probability 1136Statistics and probability 1136 1st sem 98 lamerd university
Statistical Inference 1- 1687Statistical Inference 1 Master level 1st sem 98 Lamerd university
Statistical methods 1688Statistical methods 1688 1st sem 98 Lamerd university. Master level of statistics
statistics physiology 922statistics for sport physiology 1st sem 98 lamerd university
Enginearing probability 1585Probability and statistics for engineering 1585 1st sem 98 Lamerd university
Management statistics 2-986Statistics for management 2- 986 1st sem 98 lamerd university
statistics 1152statistics 2, 1152, 1st sem 98 lamerd university
Applied statistics in education 155Applied statistics in education 155. second sem 98 lanerd university, PhD level
Pre Mathematics 386Pre Mathematics 386 1st sem 98 lamerd university
Pre Mathematics 951Pre Mathematics 951 second sem 98 lamerd university
Replacement mathematics 1414Mathematics chemical 1414 second sem 98 lamerd university
General mathematics 959General mathematics 959 second sem 98 lamerd university
Applied mathematics 971Applied mathematics 971 second sem 98 lamerd unviersity
Base Mathematics 794Base Mathematics 794 second sem 98 lamerd university
Applied statistics in sport 251Applied statistics in sport 251 second sem 98 lamerd university
Pre mathematics 99Pre mathematics 1st sem 99 all topic
Mathematics 6 and general mathsMathematics 6 and general maths 1st sem 99 lamerd univ
Mathematics 7 and applied mathematicsMathematics 7 and applied mathematics 1st sem lamerd univ
Master mathematics educationMaster mathematics education 1st sem lamerd university
Statistics 1Statistics 1 management and safety 1st sem 99 lamerd univ
Statistics 2 and Applied statisticsStatistics 2 and Applied statistics in safety 1st sem lamerd university
General mathematics Bachelor discontnueGeneral mathematics Bachelor discontnue 1st sem lamerd u 99
Review mathematics bachelorReview mathematics bachelor 1st sem 99 lamerd u
Thomas VideosCalculus Thomas video files 11th ed
Book of Mathematical Logic Book of Mathematical Logic
Book of AlgebraBook of Algebra
Basic statistics riazoshamsBasic applied statistics by riazoshams
General Math AccountingGeneral Math Accounting friday first sem 99 lamerd u
Inference Statistics MasterInference Statistics Master 6011107683 2nd sem lamerd Univ 99
Multivariate Statistics 8696Multivariate statistics, 2nd sem 99 Shiraz international university
Statistical Inference CassellaStatistical Inference Cassella Book
Multivariate Statistics JohnsonMultivariate Statistics Johnson book
Research Method MasterResearch Method Master, Autumn semester, Shiraz University 2021
Research Method Autumn 2021Research Method Autumn 2021, International student of Shiraz, Master level
Mathematics 6 and general mathsMathematics 6 and General math technical level 1st sem lamerd Univ
Pre mathematics MondayPre mathematics Monday lamerd Univ 1st sem 1400
Math 7 and applied Math technicalMath 7 and applied Math technical
General Math bachelorGeneral Math bachelor lamerd univ 1st sem 1400
Applied math bachelorApplied math bachelor lamerd univ mehr 1400
Statistics and probabilityStatistics and probability lamerd univ mehr 1400
Reparative mathematicsReparative mathematics lamerd univ
Statistical Computing using R Spring 1401Statistical Computing using R Spring 1401. Private classes shabdizmusic
Mathematics 6 and general maths monday 7:30Math 6 general math tewchnical bahman 1400 lamerd univ
Mathematics 2-7 monday 14Mathematics 2 technical, 2nd sem lamerd univ bahman 1400
Apllied Math 2 bachelore uncontinueَApplied Math, bachelore, 2nd sem 1400
Math 1 bachelore wednsday 7:30Mathematics 1 bachelore. 2d sem 1400 lamerd univ
Compution methodscomputing methods, 2d sem 1400 lamerd univ
Pre math wensday 2pmpre mathematics 2nd sem 1400 lamerd univ
Research Method, Master International UniversityResearch Method International University, Feb 2022. Shiraz university, International students. Mater Level
Math 2 managementMath 2 management 2nd sem lamerd univ 1400
Statistics PHD education 2nd sem 1400Statistics PHD education 2nd sem 1400 lamerd university
Statistical Inference International ClassStatistical Inference International Class, spring sem 2022, international students shiraz university
Seminar International Shiraz 2022Seminar International Shiraz Spring and autumn 2022
Numerical methodsNumerical methods lamerd univ 1st sem 1401
Statistics Master of ManagementStatistics Master of Management, 1st sem 1401 lamerd university
Mathematical statistics 1Mathematical statistics 1 Master level 1st sem lamerd univ
Mathematics 2 Mathematics 2 bachelor 1st sem lamerd university
Pre maths basePre mathematcs Base math engineering 1st sem lamerd univ
Statistics 2 managementStatistics 2 management 1st sem lamerd university 1401
Statistical Inference 2Statistical Inference 2 1st sem Autumn 2022 shiraz university
Enginearing Probability and StatisticsEnginearing Probability and Statistics 1st sem 1401 lamerd university
Reseach method MasterReseach method Master shiraz univ. 1st sem 1401
Statistics Inference 1Statistics Inference 1, 2nd sem 1401 lamerd univ master
SamplingSampling 2nd sem 1401 lamerd university master level
Mathematics 1Mathematics 1 clamerd univ 2d sem 1401
Numerical methodsNumerical methods, 2nd sem 1401 lamerd university
Statistics and softwareStatistics master education 2nd sem 1401 lamerd university
Mathematics 2 bachelorMathematics 2 bachelor lamerd univ 2nd sem 1401
Statistics PHDStatistics PHD education 2n sem 1401
Mathematics 2 afternoonMathematics 2 1st sem 1402 Lamerd Univ eniginears
Pre MathematicsPre mathematics 1st sem spring 1402 Lamerd university
Inference 2Inference 2 Master students lamerd univ 1st sem 1402
Research method autumn 1402Research method autumn 1402 lamerd univ
Pre Mathematics eveningPre math lamerd Univ 1st sem 2023
Seminar and Thesis Lamerd Students Autumn 1402Seminar Lamerd university Students of statistics, Autumn 1402,
Mathematics 2 MorningMathematics 2 Morning, lamerd univ, 1st sem 2023
Research CosultingClient, Researchers, consulties
Statistics Education Phd Statistics for educvation Phd 2nd sem 1402 lamerd University
Enginearing probability and statistics 2nd sem 2023Enginearing probability and statistics 2nd sem 2023 Lamerd university
Numerical methods 2nd sem 2024Numerical methods 2nd sem 2024 lamerd university, engineering
Mathematics 1, 2nd sem 2023, 7:30Mathematics 1, 2nd sem 2023, 7:30am lamerd University
Mathematics 2 Chemical engineeringMathematics 2 Chemical engineering, lamerd univ 2nd sem 2023
Mathmatics 1 second sem 2023 at 1030Mathmatics 1 second sem 2023 at 1030 lamerd university
Math 2 technicalMathematics 2 technical 1st sem 2024 lamerd univ
Statistics 1 SundayStatistics 1 management sunday Lamerd Univ 1st sem 2024 lamerd university
Statistics 2 ManagementStatistics 2 management 1st sem 2024 lamerd university
Mathematics 2 for enginears mechanicMathematics 2 calculus for enginearing, 1st sem 2024 lamerd university
Pre Mathematics monday 9:30Pre Mathematics monday 9:30 1st sem 2024 lamerd university
Pre Math Monday 1130Pre Math Monday 1130 lamerd university 1st sem 2024
Numerical methods 1st sem 2024Numerical methods lamerd university 1st sem 2024
Probability for engineering ThursdayProbability for engineering Thursday 1st sem 2024 lamerd univ
Phd Statistics EducationPhd Statistics Education fall 2025, lamerd university
Statistics 1 MondayStatistics 1 Monday accounting
Pre math mondayPre math monday lamerd univ 2nd sem 2025

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